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Stone & Masonry Cleaning

Torik Stone cleaning system provides the option of chemical free cleaning. Torik produces a controllable stream of high pressure supper heated water and steam that quickly removes grime, moss, algae, fungi and other biological matter.

The super-heated water and steam also kills spores thereby eliminating the source of biological growth.


Leicester Pro Clean stands out as specialists in this field, armed with the necessary equipment and extensive knowledge to ensure exceptional results. Trust us to deliver professional service, backed by years of expertise and a commitment to excellence.


Experience the transformative results of stone and masonry cleaning by Leicester Pro Clean, achieved through our advanced high-temperature steam cleaning process. Witness the removal of stubborn dirt and grime, revealing the natural beauty of your surfaces with unparalleled effectiveness and precision.

Leicester Pro Clean’s stone and masonry cleaning service offers a myriad of benefits for your property. Our expert team employs specialised techniques to remove dirt, grime, and stains, restoring the original beauty of your surfaces. Beyond aesthetic enhancement, cleaning prolongs the lifespan of your stone and masonry, preventing deterioration and structural damage. Additionally, a pristine exterior elevates curb appeal, enhancing the overall value of your property. Trust Leicester Pro Clean for professional and thorough cleaning, ensuring lasting beauty and protection for your home.